How do we elevate millions of lives to give citizens a better future?
BES is funding the Goddess Temple and the UNIFYING ritual to restore our bond with Nature… in effect that is the most important thing we are doing this year…
Our Mission is to empower Communities, Tribes and Kingdoms to have access to their own wealth to build their civilisations with economic freedom and social dignity. We are uniting as a coalition around a vision to better the lives of millions of citizens, starting with food security & communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
BES is one of the first humans in recorded history to awaken to Divinity. In the stone age he was regarded as the god of joy, of dance and of the Home. Bes appears as a guardian at the dawn of great civilisations from Egypt to Europe. Our vision is to unite a global vehicle currency for regenerating indigenous civilisations based on their values and in harmony with all life.
Our mission is Spirit First
To restore Spirit as the founding pillar of economic development. One that creates a perpetually abundant economic model in harmony with indigenous values of the central purpose of life, from soul to civilisation.
From the stone age to Egypt(Temple of Hathor), to Kush, the Achaemenids, Romans, and Minoans, even adorning cathedrals in a disguised form. The Phoenicians named Ibiza as the ‘Land of Bes’ (Ibozim) in 654BC.

Neter in Ancient Egyptian
Economic Development is the biggest business globally bar none
It is also the most inefficient…