The Pinnacle of Impact is Measurement. Yet what are we measuring for? What is the formula for a society that maximises the quality of life for the greatest number of people? With these twelve pillars voted in by the people we are able to select partners to build according to their needs and the values the people have voted in. We believe that civilizations are like equations, needing precise formulas of the right value systems and partners to make them succeed for the people. We believe these are the pillars upon which we can construct better economic systems, in harmony with nature and in balance with life.
The Symbol of the twelve pillars of civilisation is the symbol of the World Indigenous Forum. It is an Amazigh symbol for the free people (the Yaz), when combined this becomes the symbol of community and the 12 Pillars. It forms the basis of our value system, and how people can begin to better the lives. The top three prongs represent food, water and housing, which also is the base of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The pillars are voted in by the people to create a formula for what truly represents value to them, and on this basis we are able to attract the leading project blueprints for the people.
Ayeya is just such a blueprint, it will be the first to be awarded Evergreen Certification by the World Indigenous Forum’s at our Q1 event in 2025. An Evergreen model cycles the wealth creation to benefit more people and grow, the Founder, Olowo-n’djo Tchala has grown his model from 17 women farmers 20 years ago to over 250,000 women farmers and their families.

“In order to achieve human dignity and sustainable future for all communities around the world, those of us who are able, have a moral responsibility to uplift the disadvantaged” Olowo-n’djo Tchala, Founder & CEO, Ayeya
• For 20 years Olowo-n’djo has pioneered impact supply chain models bridging West Africa direct sourcing and North American retail markets.
• His team has organized an on-the-ground shea harvester network and raw material value-add program that engages 250,000 women farmers directly in Ghana and Togo
• Olowo-n’djo has built an iconic brand, Alaffia, which has grown to $50m/year and is the #1 health and beauty brand at Whole Foods nationally. He then launched Ayéya launched driving distinct
product and category verticals to drive greater demand for the added-value raw materials in his West Africa supply chains in order to further scale the work on the ground.
• Supporting African communities of women with sustainable wages & employment to break the cycles of economic injustice and gender inequality. On May 1st 2024, BES invested into Ayeya to
support this noble mission and scale their Evergreen Blueprint to more people and communities.